Cleaning up the Industrial Industry

Common Dangers Faced By Miners

by Alfredo Harper

Mining is a dangerous profession. For that reason, miners need to undergo an annual safety training to minimize the risk of death or injury. The majority of mining-related injuries come from coal mining. However, any form of mining can potentially be dangerous. 

Chemical Risks

There are many dangers that miners can face. Mining often requires a chemical separation process. The chemicals used for mining can pose a severe risk to miners. When handling these chemicals, miners must have standard operating procedures to make sure that the exposure to chemicals for miners is limited. This includes providing miners with personal protective equipment. 

Dust Inhalation Risks

Another common threat that miners face is dust hazards. The coal mining process can lead to a large number of airborne dust particles. Some miners eventually suffer from black lung disease, which can be fatal. There is no excuse for miners being exposed to dust particles, and workers should be provided with equipment that prevents them from inhaling dust.

Vibration Risks

The bodies of miners are often subjected to vibrations. Not only must they use equipment that produces vibrations, but they are often working in awkward positions. Workers need to be given regular breaks while working with machinery and must be trained on how to identify potential risks. 

Noise Risks

Mining equipment also generates a lot of noise. This not only disrupts work activities, but can also lead to hearing loss for miners. Workers need to be provided with adequate hearing protection so they do not suffer from hearing loss. The equipment must also be serviced regularly to make sure that they are not defective and do not produce more noise than necessary. Also, loud noises can distract workers and increase the risk of injury.

Heat and Musculoskeletal Risks

Miners often have to perform very strenuous activities. Too much exertion can lead to musculoskeletal disorders. Workers must always lift heavy objects while using the best ergonomic practices. Also, because mines are enclosed spaces, they can become very hot and workers often experience a lot of heat stress. Therefore, steps must be taken to keep workers hydrated and to remove workers who are suffering from excessive heat stress.

Fortunately, many of the safety measures that have been put in place have made work in a mine safer. However, if workers do not follow proper safety procedures because they do not engage in annual MSHA safety training, accidents will be more likely to occur.

For more information on safety training for miners, contact organizations like Eagle Mine Safety.
